(Essential Questions in the Various University Examinations) - B. Sc and GNM Nursing psychology - First year
(Essential Questions in the Various University Examinations) - B. Sc and GNM Nursing psychology - First year Nursing Psychology - First year ¶ Essay Type Question ✓ Unit 1: Introduction 1. Define psychology, explain limitations and merits of all the methods of psychology 2. Define psychology describe the scope and methods of psychology. 3. Define psychology. Explain the various methods of psychology 4. Importance of psychology in nursing profession 5. Define educational psychology and write briefly about the aims and scope of educational psychology ✓ Unit II: Biology of Behaviour 6. Explain the mechanism of heredity and environment on human behaviors 7. Define heredity. Explain heredity and environment related to one personality development ✓ Unit III: Cognitive Processes 8. What is meant by attention? Discuss the various determinate of attention. 9. Explain the various principles of PERCEPTION with suitable examples. Define perception. 10. What are the factors tha...