
Showing posts from January, 2023

(Essential Questions in the Various University Examinations) - B. Sc and GNM Nursing psychology - First year

(Essential Questions in the Various University Examinations) - B. Sc  and GNM Nursing psychology - First year Nursing Psychology - First year ¶ Essay Type Question ✓ Unit 1: Introduction 1. Define psychology, explain limitations and merits of all the methods of psychology 2. Define psychology describe the scope and methods of psychology. 3. Define psychology. Explain the various methods of psychology 4. Importance of psychology in nursing profession 5. Define educational psychology and write briefly about the aims and scope of educational psychology ✓ Unit II: Biology of Behaviour 6. Explain the mechanism of heredity and environment on human behaviors 7. Define heredity. Explain heredity and environment related to one personality development ✓ Unit III: Cognitive Processes 8. What is meant by attention? Discuss the various determinate of attention. 9. Explain the various principles of PERCEPTION with suitable examples. Define perception. 10. What are the factors tha...

Psychology and sociology for GNM nursing psychology - First year - Karnataka state Chapter 3: Cognitive Processes.

Psychology and sociology for GNM nursing psychology - First year - Karnataka state  Chapter 3: Cognitive Processes. Contents : • Attention: Types, determinants, habits and attention, duration and degree of attention process. • Perception: Meaning, principles, factors affecting, errors in perception. • Learning: Nature, types, theories of learning, laws of learning, learner and learning process, factors influencing, transfer of learning, study habits. • Memory: Meaning and nature, types, factors influencing. development theories, forgetting, methods of improving memory. • Thinking: Meaning, types and levels, stages of development. relationship with language and communication. • Intelligence: Meaning and definition, intelligence quotient distribution, types, mental ability, development of intelligent behaviour, individual differences in intelligence, intelligence tests, theories of intelligence. • Aptitude: Concept, types, individual differences and variability. • Psychometr...

Psychology and sociology for GNM Nursing students - Karnataka stateChapter 2. Biology of Behaviour.

Psychology and sociology for GNM Nursing students - Karnataka state Chapter 2. Biology of Behaviour . Content : • Body-mind relationship-Modulation process in health and illness • Genetics and behaviour • Heredity and environment • Brain and behaviour: Neuron, Synapse, Nervous system • Association cortex, right and left hemispheres. • Psychology of sensations • Muscular and glandular controls of behaviour • Nature of behaviour of the organism • Integration of responses • Applications ➖➖➖➖ NOTES: BODY MIND RELATIONSHIP MODULATION PROCESS IN HEALTH AND ILLNESS ¶ MIND • Mind is the sum total of various mental processes such as thinking, knowing, feeling, reasoning, observing, wishing, judging, remembering etc. • Mind is regarded as the function of the body, it does not exist apart from the body. Our mind grows as our body grows. • It becomes more complex with advancing years. ¶ Levels of mind: • Conscious • Preconscious • Unconscious However there is no s...

GNM Nursing studies - First year - Karnataka stateChapter 1. Introduction to Psychology

GNM Nursing studies - First year - Karnataka state Chapter 1. Introduction to Psychology Syllabus: • History and origin of science of psychology • Definition and scope of psychology • Relevance of psychology to nursing • Methods of psychology ➖➖➖➖➖➖ Notes: || Introduction to Psychology || ¶ Meaning of Psychology: Psychology is a very young science which began in the year of 1879. Wilhelm Maximilian Wundt (1832–1920) is known to posterity as the “father of experimental psychology” and the founder of the first psychology laboratory The word psychology was formed by combining the Greek psyche (meaning “breath, principle of life, life, soul,”) with - logia (which comes from the Greek logos, meaning “speech, word, reason”). In first phase, the meaning of psychology was understood as the science of soul and spirit. In the second phase, the meaning of psychology was understood as the science of mind. In third phase, the meaning of psychology was understood as the science of con...

Chapter 4 Motivation - GNM Nursing studies (First year) - Notes - Karnataka state

Chapter 4 Motivation - GNM Nursing studies (First year) - Notes - Karnataka state Unit 4. Motivation, Emotion and Attitudinal Processes Detailed syllabus: • Motivation: Meaning and definition, motives and behaviour, types, theories, frustration and conflicts, resolution of conflict • Emotions: Definition, components, changes during emotions, emotional adjustment, emotions in health and illness, theories • Stress: Meaning, stressors, cycle, effect, adaptation and coping. • Attitude: Meaning and nature, development, factors affecting, behaviour and attitudes, attitude change • Psychometric assessment of emotions and attitudes • Alterations in emotions • Applications ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ Chapter 4 Motivation - GNM Nursing studies (First year) - Notes - Karnataka state || Motivation || ¶ Meaning: Motivation is an internal force'or energy that encourages a man to reach the goal ¶ Components or Elements of Motivation: 1. Need 2. Drive 3. Response 4. Goal (satisfaction) ...

Chapter wise weightage - GNM Nursing studies 2023 - First year

Chapter wise weightage - GNM Nursing studies - First 3 2023 Chapter 1: Introduction to Psychology  chapter 3. Cognitive processes 

For GNM Nursing students - Ist Year-Unit 1-Introduction to Psychology

For GNM Nursing students - Ist Year Unit 1 Introduction to Psychology  Syllabus: • History and origin of science of psychology  • Definition and scope of psychology • Relevance of psychology to nursing  • Methods of psychology _____________________________________ Notes: Define: PSYCHOLOGY Psychology is the scientific study of mind and behavior. Psychology includes the study of conscious and unconscious phenomena, including feelings and thoughts. HISTORY AND ORIGIN OF SCIENCE OF PSYCHOLOGY • Psychology started as a branch of philosophy. Psychology emerged as a science about 2000 years ago. • The word psychology was formed from two Greek words 'Psyche' (soul) and 'logos' (doctrine). • Psychology as a science was laid by the ancient Greek physician Alcmaeon in 6th century BC, who proposed that, 'mental life is a function of the brain'. • Hippocrates known as the father of medicine. (460-370 BC) • Socrates (469-399 BC) recognised mind also in addition to soul. He h...