Chapter 4 Motivation - GNM Nursing studies (First year) - Notes - Karnataka state
Chapter 4 Motivation - GNM Nursing studies (First year) - Notes - Karnataka state
Unit 4. Motivation, Emotion and Attitudinal Processes
Detailed syllabus:
• Motivation: Meaning and definition, motives and behaviour, types, theories, frustration and conflicts, resolution of conflict
• Emotions: Definition, components, changes during emotions, emotional adjustment, emotions in health and illness, theories
• Stress: Meaning, stressors, cycle, effect, adaptation and coping.
• Attitude: Meaning and nature, development, factors affecting, behaviour and attitudes, attitude change
• Psychometric assessment of emotions and attitudes
• Alterations in emotions
• Applications
Chapter 4 Motivation - GNM Nursing studies (First year) - Notes - Karnataka state
|| Motivation ||
¶ Meaning: Motivation is an internal force'or energy that encourages a man to reach the goal
¶ Components or Elements of Motivation:
1. Need
2. Drive
3. Response
4. Goal (satisfaction)
¶ Types of Motivation:
1. Biological Motivation (Essential/Primary/Physiological)
• Hunger Drive - Food
• Thrist Drive - Water
• Air Drive - Oxygen
• Sex Drive - Sexual Satisfaction
• Sleep Drive - Rest
• Elimination of waste - Normal
• Maternity Drive - To get a baby
2. Social Motivation (Non essential/Secondary/Psychological)
• Achievement - Self actualization
• Affiliation - Live together
• Aggression - Destruction
• Power - Leadership
• Curiosity - To know new Knowledge
|| Emotion ||
¶ Meaning: The word emotion is derived from Latin word EMOVERE which means AGITATE
Example: Anger, Fear, Joy, Sad, Rejection...
Thus emotion is a sudden force in the mind in response to the situation. It will disturb muscular and glandular activities.
¶ Kinds/Parts/Components of Emotion
1. Primary/Basic Emotion: Fear, Joy, Surprise, Anger...
2. Secondary/Mixed Emotion: Joy, Sad, Love, Aggression...
¶ Change of Emotion:
1. Internal change: B. P/Sweating/Increase in sugar level....
2. External change: Change in voice/Anger/Fear.....
¶ Types of Emotion:
1. Positive Emotion: Joy/Happiness/Love/Enjoyment/Cheers....
2. Negative Emotion: Sad/Angry/Worries/Tension.......
¶ Theories of Emotion
1. James Lange theory of emotion.
2. Cannon Bard theory of emotion.
3. Schachter singer theory/Cognitive theory of emotion.
1. James Lange theory:
Perceive stimulus ➡️ Body response ➡️ Emotion
2. Cannon Bard theory:
Perceive stimulus ➡️ Body stimulus + Emotion ➡️ Body response and emotion occurs together in same time
3. Cognitive theory:
Previous experience ➡️ Emotion
¶ How to control emotions ( Emotional adjustments)
1. Tolerance
2. Love
3. Sympathy
4. Cooperation and mutual understanding
5. Development of humour
¶ Characteristics of a mentally strong person:
1. Tolerance
2. Self confident
3. Emotional stability
4. Ability to adjust
5. Self evaluation
¶ Psychological problems of patients and their relatives:
1. Eating disorders
2. Depression
3. Anxiety
4. O. C. D (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) - Repeating the same speech
5. Schizophrenia (not telling the truth)
¶ Emotion in health:
1. Love - Power of healing
2. Forgiveness - Gives good health
3. Laughter - Activate the muscle
4. Self Confidence - Stability of mind
¶ Emotion in illness
1. Anger - High B. P/ Heart attack/Stomach upset/Stroke
2. Fear - Confusion
3. Sadness - Mental illness
4. Boring/Boredom - Unhappiness
¶ Ego defensive mechanism/Adjustment mechanism/Mental dynamics/Mental mechanism
1. Depression: It is a process of forgetting some painful experiences of the past
2. Rationalisation: It is a face saving device, that is, instead of accepting a mistake or as an individual justifying his behaviour.
3. Intellectualisation: It is a process of keeping away from emotional or threatening situations.
4. Compensation: It is nothing but a replacement for a loss.
5. Sublimation: It means the process of redirecting the energy, produced by unacceptable desire.
6. Suppression: It is a process of voluntarily pushing away from unwelcome ideas.
7. Reaction formation: It is the process of expressing the reverse of what one feels.
8. Displacement: An emotional feeling transferred to lesser or less dangerous objects.
9. Denial: It means refusing to believe.
10. Projection: Finding fault with others.
11. Withdrawal/Daydreaming: It is escaping to avoid close relationships.
|| Attitude ||
¶ Meaning: Likes and dislikes of a person towards a thing is called attitude.
¶ Types of Attitude:
1. Positive Attitude - Respecting the elders, love, sympathy, kindness..
2. Negative Attitude - Hatred
¶ Development of Attitude:
Attitude can be developed from
1. Parents (Family)
2. Teachers (School)
3. Peer (Friends)
4. Mass media (TV, Radio, Net, Mobile...)
5. Environment
¶ Attitudinal changes:
1. Status
2. Novelty ( Anything which is new)
3. Fear
4. Like others
5. Situation
|| Stress || ( Overload of work)
¶ Meaning: Wear and Tear of everyday life is stress. Wear means - Physical and Emotional, Tear means - Pressure in day-to-day life.
¶ Types of stress:
1. Environmental stress
2. Psychological stress
3. Physiological stress
4. Social stress
¶ Controlling of stress:
1. Planning
2. Realistic in life
3. Good decision making in life
4. Learn to love yourself
5. Share your problems with a close friend
6. Learn some relaxation technique
¶ Effect of stress:
1. Cancer
2. Heart problems
3. Headache
4. High B. P
5. Ulcer
6. Various kinds of skin problems
¶ Methods of reducing stress:
1. Meditation
2. Relaxation
3. Balancing life activity
4. Avoid negative thoughts
5. Build happy family
6. Have positive feeling
|| Conflict ||
¶ Meaning: It is the confused state of making choice. When an individual cannot make a choice between two alternative goals - this state is conflict.
¶ Types of conflicts:
1. Approach-Approach Conflict:
Approach-approach conflict is between two positive goals. The person is equally attracted to both the goals and must make a choice.
Positive goal ⬅️ PERSON ➡️ Postive goal
2. Avoidance-Avoidance Conflict:
In the avoidance-avoidance conflict, the person is faced with two goals with negative values. Both the goals appear unattractive.
Negative goal ➡️PERSON ⬅️Negative goal
3. Approach-Avoidance Conflict:
In the approach-avoidance conflict, the individual is faced with a goal that has both positive and negative values. So he is both attracted to and repelled by the goal. It is the most difficult conflict to resolve.
PERSON ➡️ Positive goal
PERSON ⬅️ Negative goal
4. Double Approach-Avoidance Conflict:
In double approach-avoidance Conflict, the individual is faced with two goals each having positive and negative values.
Positive and Negative goal ↔️ PERSON ↔️ Positive and Negative goal
|| Frustration ||
¶ Meaning: Frustration is a negative feeling when one is prevented from reaching goals.
¶ Nature of Frustration (Sources of frustration)
1. Environment
2. Personal inadequacy
3. Conflict with other people
4. Social restriction
5. Conflict within the individuals.
¶ Effect of Frustration:
1. Anger
2. Defection (Sad)
3. Hostility (Creating an enemy)
4. Suicide
5. Drug addiction
¶ How to control frustration:
1. Review the situation
2. Change of goals
3. Modification of desires
4. Compromise
5. Correct decision making
|| Body Mind relationship ||
Body and Mind are closely related with each other. If the body is disturbed with pain, vomiting, surgery, wounds or stomach disorders......Then our mind will be affected.
So as when the mind is affected with sadness, dejection, depression..... Then our body will be affected.
|| Habits ||
¶ Meaning: Habit is a behaviour often repeated or repeated learning will become a habit. These repeated activities are habits.
¶ Importance of good habits:
1. Develops good character
2. Develops positive attitude
3. Helps to achieve goals
4. Develops personality
5. Develops self discipline
_________END OF THE LESSON_________
Important questions:
Long essay
1. Explain the theories of motivation.
2. Define motivation. Explain the Maslow's theory of motivation.
3. Explain the concepts and theories of motivation
4. Define motivation. Explain the social motives.
5. Define motives, Explain different types of motives.
6. What is motive? Classify motives. Describe in detail about physiological motives
7. Define conflict. Discuss types and resolution of conflict.
8. How does frustration and conflict cause stress? Briefly discuss the types of conflict.
9. Define frustration. Explain the causes of frustration.
10. Explain the theories of emotions in detail.
11. What is an emotion? Explain the theories of emotion
Short Essay:
1. Briefly explain the motivation cycle.
2. Explain the primary and secondary motives.
3. Briefly explain Maslow's theory of Motivation.
4. Explain two theories of emotions.
5. Define emotion. Briefly explain characteristics of emotions.
6. Briefly explain physiological and psychological
changes during emotions.
7. Briefly explain emotions in health and sickness. 8. Classify need, drive and motives.
9. Describe the causes of frustration.
10. What is frustration and conflicts? Explain the sources of frustration
11. Describe sources and types of conflict.
12. What are conflicts? Explain the different types of conflicts with one example for each.
13. Describe conflict resolution.
14. Explain biological and social motives with the examples for each.
15. Briefly explain General Adaptation Syndrome.
16. Define coping. Describe the methods of coping with stress
17. What are stressors? Briefly explain how to overcome stress.
18. Define stress. Explain the causes of stress for different age groups.
19. Briefly describe attitudinal change.
20. Briefly explain how to cope with stress.
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