Psychological Assessment(NURSING PSYCHOLOGY)B. Sc/GNM First year
Psychological Assessment
B. Sc/GNM First year
1. Introduction:
Psychological assessment is a process of testing that uses a combination of techniques to help arrive to some hypotheses about a person and their behavior, personality and capabilities.
2. Purposes of Psychological Tests:-
• It is helpful in identifying child’s strengths and weakness.
• A psychological assessment is used to assist in planning child school program.
• It are used to diagnose psychopathology and screening for job.
• It may be used in an educational setting to determine personality strengths and weakness.
3. Characterisrics:
• Objectivity
• Standardized
• Test Reliability
• Predictive
• Practicability
• Test norms
• Test Validity
4. Principles:
• Test are samples of behavior
• Test should have adequate reliability and validity
• Test results are dependent on person cooperation and motivation
• Test result should be interpreted in relation to other behavioral data and to case history information, never in isolation.
5. Types of Psychological Tests:
1. Intelligence test: these are used to measure intelligence, or our ability to understand the environment and interact with it.
• Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS)
• Wechsler intelligence scale for children (WISC)
• Stanford- Binet intelligence scale (SB)
2. Personality tests: are used to measure personality style.
• Minnesota multiphasic personality inventory (MMPI)
• Inkblot test
3. Attitude tests: These tests are used to measure how an individual feels about a particular event, place, person or object. Attitude scales are used in marketing to determine individual preferences for brands.
Example: Likert’s scale
4. Achievement tests: these are used to measure how well we understand a particular topic.
• Peabody individual achievement test
• Wechsler individual achievement test
5. Aptitude test: are used to measure abilities in specific area.
• Armed services vocational aptitude battery
• Bloomberg aptitude test
6. Neuropsychological tests: these tests are used to measure a psychological function known to be linked to a particular brain structure or pathway.
• Benton visual retention test
7. Direct observation tests: is usually conducted with families in laboratory, home or with children in a classroom.
• The parent- child interaction assessment- II
8. Sexological test: number of tests specifically meant for the field of sexology is quite limited.
• ASKAS ( Aging sexuality knowledge and attitudes)
6. Role of Nurse in Psychological Testing:-
• Nurse should be aware about various psychological tests, which will help her to clarify the doubts of relatives or family members.
• Nurse should become familiar with many standardized tests that are available to enhance each stage of nursing process.
• Nurse should maintain safety and confidentiality of client.
• Nurse should have good rapport with family members and the client.
• Nurse should clear all doubts of family members and the client.
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